The B2B buying landscape and demographics are fast changing, and without the right strategies in place, your marketing efforts will always fall short. To avoid this, it is critical to integrate time-tested and effective lead generation strategies into your marketing campaigns. Here, we look at five B2B lead generation tips.

1. Seek top-tier leads on LinkedIn

As the world’s largest professional network, LinkedIn is the best platform for seeking top-tier leads with high lifetime value. The best way to put your brand in front of C-level decision makers is by using proven LinkedIn strategies for B2B marketing, which include:

  • Customizing your company page
  • Using custom URL
  • Running targeted LinkedIn ads
  • Researching decision makers in companies using LinkedIn sales navigator

2. Create high-quality content

Your most powerful asset in B2B lead generation is the quality of your copy, as it is the primary element that gives you an edge over other sellers. Some of the best ways to make your content more appealing to business buyers and boost traffic to your website by:

  • Researching and targeting long tail keywords that your competitors are not using
  • Using captivating headlines and subheadings
  • Continuously running A/B tests
  • Including images, infographics, data, and research reports in your copy
  • Adding strong CTAs

3. Use FOMO to increase conversion rates

One of the best strategies for increasing your lead conversion rates is applying scarcity or FOMO (fear of missing out) tactics in your campaigns. No business wants to miss out on a high-value opportunity, and you will woo more buyers by wiring your B2B campaigns to reflect this. However, you must use this tactic sparingly as business buyers will quickly spot fake offers and ignore you. Some of the instances to use FOMO include:

  • When you have a limited offer
  • When you have a product that is running out of stock
  • When you have a high-selling product
  • When you are about to launch a new product for a highly targeted audience
  • When highlighting missed opportunities

4. Build a high-value email list

For effective B2B lead generation, you need a well-curated email list that makes reaching out to past customers and high potential buyers easier. The most effective way to build such an email list is by using the godfather strategy, whereby you target specific groups with an offer they can’t refuse. For example, instead of asking website visitors to sign up for your newsletter, you can ask them to join a group of 1000+ high-achieving marketers. This way, you only get to attract an audience after specific content that suits their interests and needs.

5. Remarket and retarget

Regardless of how well you build a lead generation website for your business, it is critical to retarget your prospects to turn them into leads. Do not just limit remarketing to your email marketing campaigns but actively use PPC ads and topical lead magnets for retargeting site visitors across other platforms they use.


B2B lead generation remains a top priority for most marketers, and with these tips, you will significantly boost the value of your campaigns.