Top 5 Free Java Basic Courses

So, you are here to learn the technology that is currently running on over 7 billion devices across the world!!

You might have used Adobe PDF Reader to read your documents; used Microsoft Word to make some; played games such as Minecraft, FIFA 11, Star Wars Galaxies, etc.

Most of the smartphones and tablets used around the world run on Android OS. and this is written in Java!! Isn’t it amazing?

Java is 16 years old now and is still ruling over the software development industry. According to Statista, nearly 40% of developers across the world are using Java for software development.

The language is so powerful and versatile that it is worth learning and investing time in it. Today we will discuss some features of Java and some resources that provide Free Java Basic Course to make you learn fundamental concepts of this language.

Who is a Java Developer?

The one who writes No code and Low code and develops software applications in Java is referred to as a Java Developer. Is it this simple?


As a Java Developer, you have to write robust Java code to create applications and integrate the front-end to the back-end. You have already seen the robustness of Android that is ruling the software market.

Despite the advent of many powerful languages recently, java is still the favorite for most developers. The powerful features of Java are:

  • It is easy to learn and beginner-friendly
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Portable
  • Robust
  • Secure
  • Supports Multi-threading
  • ‘Write Once Run Anywhere’ means that it is platform-independent
  • Architecture Neutral
  • Dynamic and Extensible
  • Distributed
  • High Performance
  • Huge Open-Source Library Support
  • Enterprise Edition and API

And the list doesn’t end here. There are many more powerful features of Java. let’s move ahead and find some useful resources to learn basic concepts of Java.

Where Can You Learn Java for Free?

Here is the list of some hand-picked resources that provide best-in-class training in Java that are worth giving a try.

1. Java Training by Simplilearn (SkillUp)

This is smartsheet free Java course, designed by edtech giant Simplilearn, is so crafted that it provides you with a solid foundation and work-ready skills in Java development. This training program is ideal for anyone who wants to learn the basics of Java and launch their career as a Java Developer.

You can gain hands-on experience in JDBC and JUnit frameworks along with sound knowledge of Core Java 8 methods, operators, arrays, loops, and constructors. The basic skills covered in this program are:

  • Core Java 8 Concepts
  • Java EE
  • Java Servlet
  • SOA and Web Services
  • Multithreading, string handling, and exception handling techniques
  • Hibernate and Spring frameworks
  • J2EE HTTP protocol and HTML

The most important features of this training program are an enterprise-class learning management system, 24*7 teaching assistance, exposure to real-life projects, access to study material for free, and career guidance as well.

2. Learn to Program in Java by edX

This course by edX is crafted with a combined perspective of academia and industry where you not only learn to code but also learn how to break down the problems in chunks and find feasible solutions to them.

This course makes you go through plenty of coding experience with logic, methods, loops, parameters, variables, returns, and recursions. Also, you get to know how to use industry-standard tools and practices so that you can build the strong skill set required to become a Java Developer.

You will learn Java commands and API, data organization and manipulation, code control structures, using parameters, methods, and return.

3. Object-Oriented Programming in Java, by Coursera

An intermediate free Java course by Coursera a website that brings the best courses from the world’s best universities with over 76.6 million accounts registered on 2020 and organizations such as IBM and Google. You can take this free course if you have some experience in software development or a background in Computer Science.

This course will teach you the fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming, the ways of leveraging the power of existing libraries, building graphical user interfaces, and utilizing some core algorithms to search and sort data. You also come across some real-life projects in this course.

You will learn Java programming, logic programming, sorting algorithms, and object-oriented programming in this intermediate course. By the end of this course, you will probably feel empowered to create Java programs that are more advanced than those created by you in the past.

The features of this course include flexible deadlines, completely online training, 39 hours of learning, and a shareable certificate.

4. Learn Java by Codecademy

Another ed-tech giant Codecademy exposes you to fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming using Java. The best part of this course is that you will learn to build seven Java projects such as building a basic calculator so that you can practice coding to make live projects.

Moreover, you can learn conditionals and control flow, arrays and ArrayLists, Loops, String Methods, encapsulation and static methods, Inheritance and Polymorphism, debugging, and two-dimensional arrays.

This course doesn’t require you to fulfill any prerequisites and takes 25 hours to complete.

5. Java Programming by Great Learning

This special course by Great Learning is specifically crafted for beginners who wish to build their own robust applications or launch their careers in software development. This course covers all the aspects of Java Programming in great clarity and granularity.

The topics covered in this course are Operators, Variables, Arrays, and Functions. You will acquire software engineering skills like building large-scale, real-world, Data Science applications and earn a certificate in Java programming.


Now you have come across the five best courses available that provide free training in Java basics and provide you with top-class training.

Study about the special features of all the courses and choose wisely which course you would like to go with.

The features of courses are mentioned above and the best one will have an enterprise-class learning management system, 24*7 learners’ assistance, self-paced learning, and career guidance.

Enroll Yourself Now!!