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Antivirus Write For Us

Antivirus Write For Us

Antivirus Write for Us- Today, countless people use mobile and computers, and we all keep personal data like audio, video, photo, etc., on computers and mobile. And whenever we need it, we can access them very quickly. But we never think that if our data is stolen, corrupted, or hacked without our consent, then what must we do in this situation? Just as there is an answer to every problem, in the same way, Antivirus has the task of keeping the computer safe from Viruses. Yes, it is essential to have Antivirus in any system. In the presence of a good Antivirus program, your laptop protects the virus coming from various sources like the Internet, Pen Drive, USB Drive, etc.; If you want to write exciting articles; we are here to publish your thoughts at

What is Antivirus?

Understand, “Antivirus is that software or program that deletes all Virus programs hidden in the computer. Antivirus is also known as Anti-Malware software. Because it can detect and delete malicious programs like Malware, Spyware, etc., in the system. Antivirus is mainly designed to detect and destroy viruses hidden in the system. At present, antivirus of state-of-the-art technology protects the user’s data from Adware, Spyware, Ransomware, Keyloggers, Backdoors, Trojan Horse, etc.,

History of Antivirus in Hindi?

The first computer virus was born 70 years ago and the first computer virus was known as the Creeper virus; at that time, mainframe computers were in vogue. So this virus uses to infect the mainframe computer system. Much research work was done to remove this virus. Eventually, a program was created to destroy the Creeper virus by ” Ray Tomlinson ” also known as ” The Reaper. ” After the creeper virus, many viruses were born, and in the year 1981, a known virus named “Elk Cloner” was produce, which attacked the computer of the second series of the Apple company.

Features of Antivirus! And why has it Become Necessary?

Background Scanning

We usually keep many files open on the back end of the system. An antivirus program scans all those files, providing real-time protection and maintaining the system safe from unfortunate attacks. Therefore, antivirus offers security to the computer by background scanning.

Full System Scan

Complete System Scanning is especially benefits when you have update antivirus in the system. By scanning the system with an antivirus, it is ensure whether the virus is already present in the computer or not. Complete system scanning is also essential after repairing a virus-infected computer system.

Virus Definition

Yes, an antivirus program uses the definition of Virus to identify Malware. While scanning a file or software, if the system finds a file containing any malware, then in malware definition, it is similar to malware. Therefore, based on the antivirus definition, Malware can stop and destroyed.

What is Antivirus Software?

Antivirus is a program. You can also say that this is software that finds out all the virus programs hidden in the computer and delete them from the computer. It works like a Safeguard for the laptop, which protects against Malware like Computer Worms and Trojan horses. Antivirus also gives protection to computers from Spyware and Adware. You are detecting and deleting all these programs from your computer. Some shortcuts your files make files disappear, which slows down the computer.

List of Antivirus Programs

Bitdefender Antivirus Plus

Norton Antivirus Basic

Webfoot Secure Anywhere Antivirus

ESET NOD32 Antivirus

F-Secure Antivirus SAFE

McFee Antivirus.

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Why Write For themarketingpilot – Antivirus Write For Us

  • Writing for themarketingpilot can give massive exposure to your website for customers looking for Antivirus.
  • themarketingpilot presence is on social media, and you will share your article with the Antivirus audience.
  • You can reach out to Antivirus enthusiasts.

Search Terms Related to Antivirus Write For Us

Internet security
Cyber threats
Cyber attacks
Data breach
Endpoint security

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