The challenges of digital transformation 

Digital transformation involves adopting digital processes and tools to achieve specific strategic business objectives. It is a vast and complex process, which involves a profound transformation of corporate culture and change at all levels.

Digital has transformed our buying habits and the way we listen to music, inform ourselves, and even make an appointment with the dentist. To meet customer expectations and remain competitive, companies must also evolve continuously.  However, according to technology media company IDG, while 89% of companies plan to adopt a digital strategy, only 44% have started implementing it. If your Business is one of the 56% blocked in the planning (or pre-planning) phase, don’t worry, you’re not alone.

What does “digital transformation” mean for your Business? How do you turn this complex and abstract concept into actions and strategies that will benefit your employees and customers alike?

In this article, we’ll dissect this concept and give you concrete advice to help your Business develop and implement an effective digital transformation strategy that encourages team members to give their best while ensuring customer satisfaction.

Also read: What is Cloud Computing? – Definition, Uses, And More

The Challenges Of Digital Transformation For Your Business

When we talk about digital transformation, we tend to focus on the digital aspect (platforms and processes) and forget about the transformation aspect. Nowadays, even pharmacy services can be digitalized To believe that it is enough to buy the right software to increase productivity instantly is a mistake. Fundamentally, digital transformation is about changing how people collaborate within a team, not just the technologies they use.

While no digital transformation is the same, digital companies still share some fundamental characteristics:


Each member of the organization is involved in achieving common goals. It means working together at different levels of the organization and between teams to build trust, promote transparency, and also encourage employee investment.


It is necessary to move away from traditional structures and hierarchies and encourage employees to make decisions and share their ideas.


Cloud-based services are economical and agile. It allows companies to choose the ones that best meet their needs and streamline their IT and infrastructure costs.


Customers expect practical and straightforward experiences. Businesses must therefore turn to mobile, which accounts for more than half of global web traffic.


Digital companies are constantly experimenting and learning from the results achieved to optimize large-scale enterprise changes.


This is not a project with a start date and an end date. Technology will continue to evolve and will require companies to adapt to new processes. It is therefore essential to learn and grow continuously.

Data-driven approach

You need to collect and analyze customer data and measure your company’s performance.

Customer-oriented approach

Ultimately, all these changes are designed to improve your customers’ service and experience.

Note that none of these features are about what your Business is doing but rather how you operate. Digital transformation does not affect your company’s core offerings or values. It is about developing a connected work culture and also acquiring the tools you need to achieve your strategic goals.

Collaboration through technology, beyond data alone, has been key to improving the company’s processes and results.

Why Start A Digital Transformation Now?

You know that digital transformation is inevitable and necessary, but do you know it is also urgent? Maybe your sales are at their highest, your customers are satisfied, and your employees are productive. If so, you’re probably wondering what’s the point of embarking on a resource-intensive project that could disrupt your operations.

The Digital Strategy In Small And Large Businesses

The challenges and opportunities associated with digital transformation vary depending on the size and structure of the company. Large companies and established societies often impose formal and rigid hierarchies that impede collaboration and slow the changing pace.

It may explain why only 38% of large companies have adopted a digital transformation strategy, compared to 55% of startups. Digital transformation in companies can involve the removal of silos, improved communication, or optimization of transparency.

Digital Transformation Is Driven From The Top, But Not Only

To become an actual digital organization, your transformation initiatives don’t have to be done on a top-down approach. Changing customer expectations and how the company responds to them affect employee workloads and processes. They must therefore be able to identify risks, propose solutions and conduct experiments. The Bring Your App trend is proof that employees are often behind new ideas and digital transformation tools to benefit the entire company.

Prepare Teams And Plan For A Successful Digital Transformation

Regardless of your Business’s size or size, digital transformation can be accompanied by fears and uncertainties. As a manager, you can prepare for these challenges before you start the process.

Give your team a vision. Your leadership role is to stay focused on the company’s goals. Periods of change are a source of stress and anxiety for everyone. Strengthening the mission and making sense of it can help employees stay motivated.

Digital transformation cannot be done in the blink of an eye. It will also make your business more efficient, efficient, and resilient.

And while it may be akin to a race against your competitors, the fact is that there is no finish line. Your customers’ needs and how you respond to them are changing. Your mission is to strengthen your company’s ability to adapt and respond to a digital ecosystem that will continue to evolve.

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