Thank you for your interest in your contribution to We frequently feature guest authors on our tech business blog. Please read the following guidelines completely before guest posting on for review.
Marketing: Marketing refers to a company’s activities to promote a product or service’s purchase or sale. The New York Times described it in 2017 as “the art of telling stories so intriguing it makes people lose track of their wallets. It’s one of the main components of running a business and trading.”
How to submit your guest post for Themarketingpilot?
Email your pitch for guest post to with “Guest Post: themarketingpilot” as the subject line.
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Marketing Write for Us
Marketing is much more comprehensive than promotion, advertising, and selling. In its broadest form, marketing is an umbrella term that encompasses a company’s position among its competitors in the marketplace, its competitive advantage, and its selection of viable market segments to serve.
Marketing Write for Us – After specific market segments have been selected, marketing also includes communicating with customers in those chosen markets.
This communication is a discourse, not a monologue. In other words, marketing must involve listening to customers or market research. Only then do we develop precise messages that are adapted to the needs of different types of customers.
Digital Marketing Write for Us
Digital marketing is a direct marketing system that electronically connects consumers and sellers through interactive technologies such as email, websites, online forums and newsgroups, interactive television, mobile communications, etc. (Kotler and Armstrong, 2009). It facilitates many-to-many communication due to its high connectivity and is typically operated to encourage products or services in a sensible, relevant, personal and profitable manner.
A digital marketing strategy involves using electronic channels to reach customers with products and services. It sums up the definition of digital marketing.
Digital Marketing Write for Us – By using electronic devices to deliver advertising messages, marketers can measure the impact of marketing on the customer journey.
Advertisement Write for Us
Advertising is content you pay for to be placed on a property you don’t own to get your message across to customers and inspire them to take a specific action.
Advertising encompasses all the ways companies communicate with customers about a product.
Advertisement Write for Us – Digital advertising, when done right, has the best return on investment because it can gather information about customers and target them well, but traditional advertising still has its place.
Ad campaigns should be driven by one goal: determine what actions you want customers to take after seeing your ad.
Finance Write for Us
Finance is the application of financial principles to decision-making involving the allocation of money under conditions of uncertainty. Investors allocate their funds to financial assets to achieve their goals, and corporations and governments raise funds by issuing privileges against themselves that are invested. Finance offers the framework for deciding how to grow and invest these funds. The financial system provides the platform through which funds are transferred from companies with funds to support companies that need funds to invest.
Finance Write for Us – The theoretical foundations of finance come from economics, which is why finance is often called financial economics. However, the tools used in financial decisions come from many fields outside economics: financial accounting, mathematics, probability theory, statistical theory, and psychology.
Tech Write for Us
While “technology” is commonly used to describe computer software and hardware, it’s not as easy to define as the industry itself. Some technology companies use software platforms to transform industries, while others use hardware to solve problems. These technologies are called “push” and “pull.” Here’s an aspect at some of the most prominent examples. Below are some of the most critical technology sectors today.
Tech Write for Us – In the case of technology, popular culture tends to portray tech innovators as living in garages and bedrooms. The creation of the iPhone, for example, is often credited to one man’s intellect, but the truth is that the device was the work of thousands of people. Technology is never truly “unhackable”: the community in which it was created is always a key influence.
What Are We Looking For?
We are looking for a group of young and passionate people who will write interesting and informative articles about technology, business, SEO topics, and digital marketing for our blog and website. Whether you’re a beginner or a Perfect expert, we’re here to inspire your ideas.
Ours: We also share your content on our robust social media to raise awareness and draw your attention to new ideas and whereabouts.
To submit a post to, email us your article to
Write Guest Posts For Us On Business, Technology and Digital Marketing To Become Our Partner
You can write to us to follow up on:
- Technology
- Deals
- Digital advertising
- Education
- Marketing
- Social networks
- Web design
- Mobile technology
- Internet Marketing
- Content Marketing
- Online marketing
- Small business
You have the right to submit guest contributions on any of the above topics.
We also cover some topics for Technology about the latest technology and marketing. You can also write to us about the latest technology and marketing.
Writing Guidelines For Education And Technology Blogging For Us.
By guest posting or writing to us to market for our exam, you confirm that you accept these terms.
- CONTENT QUALITY: The content should be innovative and user friendly, and not supportive. Articles with real scenarios, informative tips are preferred.
- ORIGINALITY: All guest posts must be unique and authentic (never published). You don’t want your guest post to appear anywhere in the search engine. Once your post has been approved for publication, you grant us the copyright as the owner of your content and ensure that you do not use the same content elsewhere.
- TOPIC: You can blog for us about social media, web design, internet marketing, business, mobile technology, or the guest posting topics above and use the search box at the top of the site to see if we already have related content for your topic. When we do, try looking at the article’s different view that the existing one doesn’t cover and publish a new one.
- Guest posts must be at least 1000 words or more. The ideal length is 1,500 to 2,000 words.
- If you like to support your business in a post, please email us with our sponsored post opportunities.
- FORMAT: All entries must be in plain American Standard English.
- Make sentences that are precise and understandable.
- Bullets help differentiate each item and keep the article looking neat.
- Use Headings and Subheadings for the articles for good looking of the paragraphs.
- PICTURES: Include at least three content-related images to be used in the item. Images must be light.
- If your item is eligible to be featured on our website, it becomes our website’s exclusive property. Deletion requests are not approved.
- You can provide social media links if you are interested in promoting your work through us.
- We will not assign your publication to any company. We will represent your item on your behalf as there is only one property to avoid confusion.
Effective Thought Leadership and Advertorial
Assuming the content meets editorial standards, this will encourage you or your brand to publish quality content that provides practical or strategic advice and demonstrates authentic thought leadership in the industry.
We don’t publish advertorials, sales copy, and articles that contain many links as editorials, but you are allowed to have a bio, profile, and link alongside the article. If in doubt, ask us first.
How Do I Submit An Article?
To submit a post to, email us your article to
When your article is ready and meets our guidelines, please send an email to with the following information:
Google Docs link with a full article (at least 1000 words). Google Doc must share with “Anyone with a link can edit” permissions.
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